Thursday, June 9, 2011

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  • mirage
    04-03 08:55 AM
    Congratulation to you two, you successfully diverted everybody from the objective of the thread..

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  • satyasaich
    07-16 09:37 AM

    is it possible to send an email, probably daily once to all members about High Five ?
    I feel that most of the members are not aware at this time. Usually when ever something is happening live at senate or congress, more members visit and follow the proceedings. Since there is nothing like that right now, i think it's time to communicate to all of'em.
    Just a thought to increase the momentum. This is a great initiative indeed in this tough economy

    By the way, i've mailed another check of $50 today morning, towards yesterday's target of $2000


    Good Morning people.

    A new beginning today. We missed our target of 2000 yesterday. Today we have a new target.

    $3000.00 by mindnight EST.

    Will we make it or will we miss again?

    Common IV'rs, this a chance at redemption. Let us show the anti-immigrants that we are UNITED.

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  • qplearn
    12-18 04:09 PM
    If we start the fasting and rallying the American people will view it as nothing but "Countries of the East" sending their millions to other countries to show their strength in numbers.

    Another thing. There was a suggestion of starting "free coaching classes" for kids as a volunteer service. Excellent Idea IFFF and ONLY IFFF we are doing it With the actual intent of providing education to the under-priviledged. Otherwise, once immigrants' voices are heard, and relief comes through, guess what will happen? These coaching classes will stop dead in their tracks. This will attract NEGATIVE publicity sending a message that the so called "Volunteer Effort" was nothing but a PUBLICITY STUNT.
    one way to demonstrate our worth is for our employers to come out and speak loudly. i am trying to get my employer to do exactly this. but we need new ideas.

    BTW: sidenote: in all these years of reading about Gandhi, and I am a big fan of history, I have never heard of a mountain called "Gandhigiri." Exactly where is this mountain located? :)

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 03:49 PM
    done both (contributed and updated signature)

    Nicely done. People please update your signatures. In case some people miss this active thread, they may see the "High Five" campaign in someone's signature.


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  • zappy
    09-15 01:15 AM
    This email confirms that you have paid Immigration Voice ( $300.00 USD using PayPal.

    This credit card transaction will appear on your bill as "PAYPAL *IMMIGRATION".

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  • khukubindu
    01-19 01:06 PM
    But I don't have 4 weeks. I have to travel on january 29th.
    Another thing is do I need to show on departure do I need to show the AP Approval. If I don't then if I leave US and my friend mail it to my place abroad is that ok as my USCIS online application status check system shows my I-131 approved on January 8 and mailed.


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  • anandsumit
    09-11 06:47 PM
    Cannot join the rally but contributed 100$. Good Luck Guys Excellent effort and Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!
    Google Order #628985172092873

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  • GreenCard4US
    08-13 07:10 PM
    Mr. Ron Gotcher believes that it means "Mexico F2A and [Mexico] employment third preference cut off dates.� Had they meant Worldwide, they would have said so explicitly".
    Relax guys.:)


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  • pointlesswait
    12-11 09:25 AM
    There are so many who missed the July 07...

    we should try to seek temporary relief..allowing to file for 485 even without PD veing current.

    CIR will happen when it has to happen..maybe after the health bill ...but IV not doing anything else while waiting for it is sad....

    I left old job 10 months before July 07. But attorney at new employer did mistake with advertisement, and PERM got rejected. Applied again, and USCIS audited all Fragomen cases, so mine stuck there attorney being Fragomen. By then July 07 was gone. In Sept 08 again my PD (Nov 05) was current but I was stuck with Audit.... Finally I got PERM approved, 140 approved, but since then NOV 05 is far far away....

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  • diptam
    09-01 01:10 PM
    Landed in Feb 2000 ....

    1. 1st employer cheated me on GC-Labor in 2003 - sold/substituted my labor to some lucky fellow.

    2. 2nd employer filed GC-Labor in Mar 05 (really) but silently did it in in EB3 it took 2 yrs for Labor and almost 2 yrs for I-140 in Jan 2009 and by that time recession has hit us.

    3. 3rd employer trying a EB2 upgrade by a new PERM Labor in Dec 2010 - the employer seems better than 1 and 2 but don't know until i get it at hand :)

    Why don't you create a poll for this?. That will be easier.


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  • gc_maine2
    04-04 10:27 AM

    I am excerpting Internal Revenue Code Section 1361 below:
    Internal Revenue Code
    � 1361 S corporation defined.

    (a) S corporation defined.

    (1) In general.
    For purposes of this title, the term �S corporation� means, with respect to any taxable year, a small business corporation for which an election under section 1362(a) is in effect for such year.

    (2) C corporation.
    For purposes of this title, the term �C corporation� means, with respect to any taxable year, a corporation which is not an S corporation for such year.

    (b) Small business corporation.

    (1) In general.
    For purposes of this subchapter, the term �small business corporation� means a domestic corporation which is not an ineligible corporation and which does not�

    (A) have more than 100 shareholders,

    (B) have as a shareholder a person (other than an estate, a trust described in subsection (c)(2) , or an organization described in subsection (c)(6) ) who is not an individual,

    (C) have a nonresident alien as a shareholder, and
    (D) have more than 1 class of stock.

    (2) Ineligible corporation defined.
    For purposes of paragraph (1) , the term �ineligible corporation� means any corporation which is�

    (A) a financial institution which uses the reserve method of accounting for bad debts described in section 585 ,

    (B) an insurance company subject to tax under subchapter L,

    (C) a corporation to which an election under section 936 applies, or

    (D) a DISC or former DISC.

    There is no mention here that the "resident" must be a permanent resident.

    Here is an excerpt of the Federal Regulation that defines who is a "resident alien" for taxation purposes:

    Reg �1.871-2. Determining residence of alien individuals.
    Caution: The Treasury has not yet amended Reg � 1.871-2 to reflect changes made by P.L. 108-357

    (a) General. The term �nonresident alien individual� means an individual whose residence is not within the United States, and who is not a citizen of the United States. The term includes a nonresident alien fiduciary. For such purpose the term �fiduciary� shall have the meaning assigned to it by section 7701(a)(6) and the regulations in Part 301 of this chapter (Regulations on Procedure and Administration). For presumption as to an alien's nonresidence, see paragraph (b) of �1.871-4.

    (b) Residence defined. An alien actually present in the United States who is not a mere transient or sojourner is a resident of the United States for purposes of the income tax. Whether he is a transient is determined by his intentions with regard to the length and nature of his stay. A mere floating intention, indefinite as to time, to return to another country is not sufficient to constitute him a transient. If he lives in the United States and has no definite intention as to his stay, he is a resident. One who comes to the United States for a definite purpose which in its nature may be promptly accomplished is a transient; but, if his purpose is of such a nature that an extended stay may be necessary for its accomplishment, and to that end the alien make his home temporarily in the United States, he becomes a resident, though it may be his intention at all times to return to his domicile abroad when the purpose for which he came has been consummated or abandoned. An alien whose stay in the United States is limited to a definite period by the immigration laws is not a resident of the United States within the meaning of this section, in the absence of exceptional circumstances.

    Here is the relevant Federal Regulation on Proof of Residence for determining status for tax purposes:

    Reg �1.871-4. Proof of residence of aliens.
    (a) Rules of evidence. The following rules of evidence shall govern in determining whether or not an alien within the United States has acquired residence therein for purposes of the income tax.

    (b) Nonresidence presumed. An alien, by reason of his alienage, is presumed to be a nonresident alien.

    (c) Presumption rebutted.

    (1) Departing alien. In the case of an alien who presents himself for determination of tax liability before departure from the United States, the presumption as to the alien's nonresidence may be overcome by proof�

    (i) That the alien, at least six months before the date he so presents himself, has filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States under the naturalization laws; or

    (ii) That the alien, at least six months before the date he so presents himself, has filed Form 1078 or its equivalent; or

    (iii) Of acts and statements of the alien showing a definite intention to acquire residence in the United States or showing that his stay in the United States has been of such an extended nature as to constitute him a resident.

    (2) Other aliens. In the case of other aliens, the presumption as to the alien's nonresidence may be overcome by proof�

    (i) That the alien has filed a declaration of his intention to become a citizen of the United States under the naturalization laws; or

    (ii) That the alien has filed Form 1078 or its equivalent; or

    (iii) Of acts and statements of the alien showing a definite intention to acquire residence in the United States or showing that his stay in the United States has been of such an extended nature as to constitute him a resident.

    (d) Certificate. If, in the application of paragraphs (c)(1)(iii) or (2)(iii) of this section, the internal revenue officer or employee who examines the alien is in doubt as to the facts, such officer or employee may, to assist him in determining the facts, require a certificate or certificates setting forth the facts relied upon by the alien seeking to overcome the presumption. Each such certificate, which shall contain, or be verified by, a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, shall be executed by some credible person or persons, other than the alien and members of his family, who have known the alien at least six months before the date of execution of the certificate or certificates.

    (c) Application and effective dates. Unless the context indicates otherwise, ��1.871-2 through 1.871-5 apply to determine the residence of aliens for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1985. To determine the residence of aliens for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1984, see section 7701(b) and ��301.7701(b)-1 through 301.7701(b)-9 of this chapter. However, for purposes of determining whether an individual is a qualified individual under section 911(d)(1)(A), the rules of ��1.871-2 and 1.871-5 shall continue to apply for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1984. For purposes of determining whether an individual is a resident of the United States for estate and gift tax purposes, see �20.0-1(b)(1) and (2) and � 25.2501-1(b) of this chapter, respectively.

    In summary, I submit to you that if you work in the US for more than 6 months out of a given year, you are a resident alien, and therefore are eligible to set up an S-Corp.

    Since I am still learning about this, any input/feedback/logical arguments with relevant proof/citations would be appreciated!

    Very good info, thanks for the posting. BUt its still not clear whether the spouse who is on EAD and does not work at all or for that matter 6 months in a given year, will she/he be eligible for setting up a S -corp??


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  • suavesandeep
    05-29 12:34 PM
    Well, so far so good for me. As per Zillow estimate, my home value is now 10k more than my purchase price. It depends on where you're buying.

    I guess that when the economy starts climbing up and people starts buying houses, interest rate will also climb up to 6%. At 6%, I need to pay $400 more per month.
    If you check interest rate trends for the last 50 years, You will notice that during every economic downturn which is every 5-7 years the interest rates do come down. Although this time the down is a bit more due to severe recession, If you notice even in the last downturn around 2002 was in the 5% range. So only buying a house on the basis of low interest rate may not be prudent.

    One month is a small time span to check the value. If lets say one year from now your house loses value by 6%, The money you would save by taking a 6% loan on a lower principal will be higher than the lower interest rate on a 6% higher principal you pay now. You can always refinance again during the next downturn when the rates may again go down. But you cannot change the original principal at what you bought the home.

    So My point is the original principal you pay to buy the home should be a more important factor in buying a home than the low interest rate.

    I think you must have considered everything and made a smart choice, and this is not pointing at you. This is just a data point for others who haven't bought yet to consider.


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  • ramus
    07-18 03:24 PM
    Great.. Thank you.. Please ask your neighbours to join IV i they have not yet.

    Thanks for all your efforts.

    Made a contribution of $100
    Confirmation Number: 1LX38419RG209364L.

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  • sundarraj_us
    06-10 01:49 PM
    USCIS to Issue Two-Year EAD for I-485 Waiters at End of June 2008
    The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security announced on 06/09/2008 that the DHS would start issuing two-year EAD beginning from end of June 2008 for the I-485 filers. Hooray!
    Announcement: "I'm also pleased to announce that we will be extending the validity period of the employment authorization documents that we issue to individuals who are waiting adjustment of status to lawful permit residenture or in colloquial phrase, the green card. Currently, adjustment applications are granted employment authorization documents with only a one year maximum validity. Beginning later this month, we'll start issuing these documents with a two-year validity period for aliens who are waiting adjustment of status if their application is expected to be pending for more than a year. This, again, is eliminating a persistent source of frustration for workers who are here, who have a pending adjustment application but have to go and renew their employment documents every single year. It's going to cut the paperwork there."
    Can you post the link of the official announcement, thanks in advance


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  • hebron
    10-22 10:00 AM
    Hi 9Years and VayuMahesh,
    Thanks for the info. This helps people who are planning to port.

    1. Did you refile under EB2 with the same employer? If so, would you mind sharing details - job description used for EB3 and EB2? I have an MCA from India with 12+ years of experience. My current employer filed my GC under EB3 (PD 2004), job description used was Software Engineer. I was promoted since then to Principal S/W Engineer and I was hoping I could ask my current employer to refile under EB2. But my attorney says that it is risky since the current job description of Principal Software Engineer has to be different from Software Engineer by atleast 50%.

    2. Did you get any RFE during the new PERM or I-140?

    It will be of great help if you could advice.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • hopefulgc
    09-11 05:06 PM
    I honestly think EB3 should be around beginning of 2004 or later
    and eb2 possibly mid 2005 or later.

    All the calculations point to that.

    visa bulletins suck donkey ass.

    totally meaningless without USCIS divulging backlog stats.

    I m in ...They really dont know what they are doing ...How hard is it to find pending applications in thier database ?

    Move to 2006 and approve 2006 cases and move it back to 2003 they really need help


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  • Pineapple
    01-06 10:47 PM
    Seriously, does anyone have the transcript and slides/charts used? The good professor (Wadhwa) might be right, or wrong, or both. But I want to take a good look at the charts and the raw data. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
    Of course, it is all an academic exercise.. Prof. Wadhwa (or me) can no more affect the global movement of knowledge and capital than King Canute could hold back the tide. But, it is far better an exercise than getting in the mud pit and hurling at each other :rolleyes:

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  • 9years
    09-13 02:08 PM
    I am not promoted. I believe my case is based on my MS + couple of years exp. All these details are what ever I know. Please seek expert attorney advice. I think attorney knows better based on our situation.

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  • gccube
    07-18 03:55 PM
    That requires sorting of the application by PD. But the SOP does not mention anywhere about the PD Sorting. I am sorry for you guys.

    Assuming that the PD cut off date for a specific stream is 2004 Aug and there are still visa nos available but there are not enough application (can this ever happen for real) what are they going to do? They move the PD further up and whenever the pool is depleting they move it back again?

    Assuming they move back the PD to 2000 after they ran out of the nos they start accepting AOS apps for that PD but they donot look at them (for adjudication) until the queue before is cleared based on the receipt date.

    In such a case the PD lost all it's significance once the adjustment of status if filed?

    If receipt date is the only significant date after AOS is filed then retrogressing to a specified date does not make sense as there is no need to accept new applications if they are not going to work on them and particularly when they know the current size of the queue.

    Or May be I am missing something......

    09-12 11:41 AM
    can we put up forum threads here for state chapters or some kind of direct link or page for each individual state chapter
    Doing state chapters through list servs is just not working out.

    In my opinion

    (1) Community must unite
    (2) People must come out of anonymity by providing true information
    (3) People must walk the talk - just not open threads and keep discussing
    (4) Efforts must be well organized - IV is a great organization - we have state chapters where people can organize themselves - helps us all to do things more effectively

    The biggest issue is - everyone come here and open threads but it alll stops there - people join state chapters but do nothing - just want to get updates - and always blame IV for whatever happens and question IV and want to grill IV as to what IV is doing.

    Can we all get organized?

    Sanjeev - I am sorry I am digressing from the original plan of this thread - but lets face reality - what is the use of all these tangential efforts - you may get hundreds of replies on this thread - but is there a proper directive? No one knows what to do it all starts and ends in discussion and waste of valuble time doing nothing.

    I would rather recommend
    (1) Lets get organized
    (2) Give out proper information
    (3) Pledge wholehearted support
    (4) Be committed
    (5) Join a state chapter
    (6) Expand the community
    (7) Work hard
    (8) gather support
    (9) take initiatives to lead - support will follow
    (10) Do not waste time on unnecessary predictions, discussing waste, roumors etc...
    (11) Understand the effort - lobbying - understand that IV needs a lot of money for lobbying - please contribute - please raise funds

    Is everyone ready to do the above?

    03-05 05:44 PM
    I don't have any LUDs on mine even though I opened an SR and requested infopass appointment for my delayed EAD

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